

Hi, I’m Didhiti, a second-year Computer Science and Engineering student at SRMIST with a passion for front-end development and creating interactive, user-friendly web experiences. I enjoy blending creativity with code to build solutions that engage users and solve real-world problems. Currently, I’m expanding my skills in JavaScript frameworks and exploring new ways to enhance website functionality and design. When I'm not coding, I love working on collaborative projects and discovering ways technology can make a positive impact. Let's connect and create something amazing together!



SKILLS n experience


JavaScript – Proficient in creating dynamic and interactive elements for web applications.
Python – Experienced in using Python for developing desktop applications with Tkinter and general programming.
Java – Knowledgeable in object-oriented programming concepts and Java frameworks like Swing.
C & C++ – Strong foundation in programming principles and data structures.

Web Development:

HTML & CSS – Skilled in building structured, accessible, and visually appealing web pages.
JavaScript Libraries/Frameworks:
GSAP & ScrollTrigger
AOS (Animate On Scroll) – Implemented for adding smooth scroll animations to websites.
Locomotive.js – Used for advanced scroll effects and smooth user experiences.
Responsive Design – Knowledgeable in designing layouts that work well on all device sizes.

Frameworks and Libraries:

Tkinter (Python) – Developed GUI applications, like a weather app, using this framework.
Swing (Java) – Built Java desktop applications with this library, including custom user interfaces.


Git & GitHub – Version control, collaborative work, and managing repositories.

Weather App

Description: A desktop application built with Python and Tkinter that allows users to enter a city name and fetches real-time weather information for that location.
Technologies Used: Python, Tkinter, API integration (for weather data).
Features: Displays temperature, weather conditions, and updates in real-time upon user input.

To-Do List Application

Description: A web application designed for users to manage their daily tasks. Users can add, delete, and track progress based on completed tasks.
Technologies Used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
Features: Interactive UI with task completion tracking, simple to use, and responsive design for mobile users.

Animated Websites

Description: A website built with animation effects using AOS and JavaScript to enhance the user experience. The goal was to create a visually engaging and interactive site.
Technologies Used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AOS (Animate on Scroll), GSAP, ScrollTrigger, Locomotivejs.
Features: Smooth scroll animations, hover effects, and responsive layout for seamless navigation across devices.

JeeLo (Student Mental Health and Productivity Tool)

Description: A unique website designed for students to manage their studies while focusing on mental health. It allows students to track assignments, goals, and take breaks as needed.
Technologies Used: Vue.js, HTML, CSS.
Features: Task tracking, reminders, a break scheduler, and a simple user interface that promotes mental well-being alongside academic productivity.